
Persona Mrs India

Persona Mrs. India Registration for 2024 are open.

About Us

Persona Mrs India


Initially started as sheque Mrs India is now changed into a much huge and bigger platform as persona Mrs India a destination of real beauty. The persona Mrs India is a beauty pageant to acknowledge and honour Indian women which is going to be the foremost prestigious show in existence today and can turn into a path for self awareness and advancement of social appreciation. We welcome you to India's most dignified married women pageant.

An initiative of trimakraj entertainment LLP persona Mrs India from last 4 years has inspired women and have broadened their horizons and discovered side to them they thought did not exist by participating in the pageant.

We hold a yearly event for Indian women who incorporate beauty talent intelligence and compassion. The Indian woman in her lifetime assumes numerous significant parts that make her life crucial and involves lot of hurdles. She is within the line of entrepreneurship undertake risks and handle economic uncertainties required in maintaining a commercial enterprise.

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Our Vision

Persona Mrs India challengers are successful Indian married woman who endeavour to act naturally certain agile exquisite magnetic and respectable within the representation of India reception and round the globe. Notwithstanding being an indicator of India and a picture of beauty and success this challenge gives a career spring sure to it's members.

Our Mission

Persona Mrs India comprises a youthful and lively group whose mission is to advance the development of a situation that enhances the potential of the contestants and to bolster them form into dependable adulthood. We seek to change the world of beauty pageants by daring to ignite the mind inspiring the spirit penetrating the heart of a woman all around the globe.

Persona Mrs India